- "Optimal Investment and Consumption
Strategies Under Risk, an Uncertain Lifetime, and Insurance," International
Economic Review, 10, October 1969, 443-466.
- "An Induced Theory of the Firm Under
Risk: The Pure Mutual Fund," Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, V, June 1970, 155-178.
- "Optimal Investment and
Consumption Strategies Under Risk for a Class of Utility Functions,"
Econometrica, 38, September 1970, 587-607; reprinted in
Stochastic Optimization Models in Finance (eds. W. T. Ziemba
and R. G. Vickson), Academic Press, 1975, 525-545.
- "Optimal Entrepreneurial Decisions
in a Completely Stochastic Environment," Management Science:
Theory, 17, March 1971, 427-449.
- "Convergence to Isoelastic Utility
and Policy in Multiperiod Portfolio Choice," Journal of Financial
Economics, 1, September 1974, 201-224.
- "The Purchasing Power Fund: A
New Kind of Financial Intermediary," Financial Analysts Journal,
32, November-December 1976, 49-59.
- "On the Politics of Accounting Disclosure
and Measurement: An Analysis of Economic Incentives," Journal
of Accounting Research, 19, Supplement 1981, 1-35.
- "To Pay or Not to Pay Dividends,"
The Journal of Finance, XXXVII, May 1982, 415 428; reprinted
in summary form in The C.F.A. Digest, 13, Summer 1983, 16-17.
- "Changes in the Financial Market:
Welfare and Price Effects and the Basic Theorems of Value Conservation,"
The Journal of Finance, 37, September 1982, 977-1004.
- "Sufficient and Necessary Conditions
for Information to Have Social Value in Pure Exchange" (with Gregory
Kunkel and James Ohlson), The Journal of Finance, 37, December
1982, 1169-1181.
- "On the Feasibility of Automated Market
Making by a Programmed Specialist" (with Avraham Beja and Jivendra Kale),
The Journal of Finance, 40, March 1985, 1-20.
- "Gains From International Diversification:
1968-85 Returns on Portfolios of Stocks and Bonds" (with Robert
Grauer), The Journal of Finance, 42, July 1987, 721-739.
- "Gains from Diversifying into Real Estate:
Three Decades of Portfolio Returns Based on the Dynamic Investment Model"
(with Robert Grauer), Real Estate Economics, 23, Summer 1995,
117 159.
- "Capital Growth Theory" (with William Ziemba), Handbooks in Operations Research
and Management Science: Finance (eds. Robert Jarrow, Vojislav Maksimovic, and William
Ziemba), Vol. 9, Elsevier, 1995, 65 86.
- "On Timing The Market: The Empirical Probability Assessment Approach With An
Inflation Adapter" (with Robert Grauer), Worldwide Asset and Liability Modeling
(eds. John Mulvey and William Ziemba), Cambridge University Press, 1998, 149-181.
- "The Role of a Corporate Bond Market in an Economy--and in Avoiding Crises,"
China Accounting and Finance Review, 1, No. 1, March 1999, 105-114
(Chinese version 98-104); summary in Japanese by Nomura Research Institute.